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White Liberals Perpetuating Black Violence: Psyop Slavery


Imagine your thirsty, your offered some grape juice.
This grape juice, it’s victimhood, it’s victimization.
Now this neo liberal Western European revels in the notion of not just the destruction of a group of people
by their own, based on superficial appearance naturally. All these neo liberal’s brains can handle.
What they are good at is the Anglo-centric duplicity, A skill of what they call psyop.
They use victimization, victim culture as a method to focus aggression and rage, while also making one group of people look bad, one group that isn’t theirs. Why not because feeding justifications and destroying family units made it almost too easy.
For generations the Western Europeans were killing each other, 7 years war, 100 years war, and so on.
In the day they had peasants to send as cannon fodder. Largely they called this/these race things like Saxons.
A riot may look like chaos but it’s really a focused aggression to destroy the creation of “new money,” a beneficiary of capitalism and property rights. If it leads another group of people to hate them, and get angry, all the better for them.
Right now they are using that rage, to foster the rage in less desirably superficially white groups like Slavs and Scotian (Irish, Scottish) and even Southern European types.
Even male and female isn’t immune to this sort of psyop. Sexuality either.
Now your hearing more and more people act like their white male straight…blah is the victim. The results, well it will become the rise of white sheets and misused Hindu iconography.
That will foster even further self loathing and seething victim hood, blaming the other. Someone has to stop it, largely on the individual level, where you take a stand and say, “I won’t play their game.”

Categories Racism, philosophy

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