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They Don't Know How Many Are Vaxxed or Unvaxxed: BC Hospitals


I spent a lot of time in hospitals with a botched Hypospadias repair that needs dilating time to time. Pervs call it sounding, and for some reason, like it. Also I was hidden there post-brutality.
I have repeated the same God Damn information again and again you’d swear they’d have in hospital records and via care-card.
Have any allergies?
Have Rx’s? What are they? (Bring them).
Not if anything ever changed.
So lets think shall we, not all people want to share their vaccination status regardless if they are or not. Clearly no one is going to tell the Hospitals, I am sure they’d ask, however some will say “no comment,” and lets face it even a fully vaxxed person in our COVID era who does not advertise is considered unvaccinated. Likely how the status is recorded, in my mind, since Henry never mentions a “unresponsive” status.

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